Reconstructive Plastic Surgeons Zoom in on Lymphatic Vessels with Mitaka’s MM90 Microscope


Clear visualization of microscopic structures like blood vessels, nerves, and the lymphatic system is crucial for reconstructive plastic surgeons. Unlike other structures, lymphatic vessels can be challenging to spot and operate on because they are so small and because they transport and store clear fluid.


The job is a little easier now at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital because a new ‘team member’ is proudly sporting the Wake Forest Baptist logo: Mitaka USA’s MM90 microscope.


“The depth of focus allows us to see things we wouldn’t otherwise see,” explains Ivo A. Pestana MD, FACS, FAAPS. “Lymphatics are easily seen with this microscope compared to other scopes that we’ve used,” he adds.


“Visualizing lymphatics is important because we take care of a lot of patients who require free tissue transfer,” Dr. Pestana says. “This scope will, of course, help us continue that care.” The scope is also an important tool that may be utilized for preventative lymphatic procedures in patients undergoing mastectomies.


The Mitaka MM90 is also helping the surgical team work towards new horizons. “This microscope will help us start our progress towards a more comprehensive lymphatic practice in the future,” Dr. Pestana says.


OR Clutter Control

The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery team had a high variety of surgical microscopes to choose from. They have picked the MM90 not only for what it allows them to visualize but also because it simplifies OR logistics.


“The structure of the arm allows us to use the scope more easily in our OR’s lighting system,” says Dr. Pestana. Plus, we have the “ability to perform fluorescent angiography without needing an entirely new system in the operating room.”


Ergonomic Excellence

The MM90’s “depth of focus enhances ergonomics,” Dr. Pestana points out. To facilitate efficient workflow, the majority of the MM90s functions can be activated or modulated from the hand grips or foot pedal. Surgeons can fine-tune the head’s position with a joystick that activates a motorized micromanipulator, “without having to move the entire head to get it just perfect,” he adds. The MM90’s short handle design is another huge plus because it “minimizes obstructions to our hand movements.”


Dr. Pestana jokes about putting AirTags on it so that other surgery teams don’t sneak in and snag the scope he and his team love so much. The MM90 may be a brand-new addition, but it’s already a star player on the team.


Want to learn more about the Mitaka MM90? Call us at (919) 309-4463 or complete this form and we’ll be in touch!